PACAG consists of a group of chartered accountants in Africa licenced by each country’s Institute of Chartered Accountants to practice as chartered accountants or as Accountants in Public Practice (APP).
Members are all:
1. Qualified Chartered Accountants of their respective countries in Africa.
2. Licenced to practice as Public Accountants in their respective countries.
3. Partners of Licenced Practicing Firms in their respective countries.
4. Firms with at least ten (10) years of practice experience.
5. Firms with at least one partner, who can understand, speak, read and write French and English (Bilingual)
6. Firms who have agreed to use a common audit software and must work digitally and manually.
7. Firms who, only provide services when clients have signed engagement letters.
8. Firms with at least, one partner who trained with one of the big audit firms.
9. Firms with at least two partners.
To qualify to be a member firm of PACAG, a firm must satisfy these nine conditions.
What We do:
We provide seamless Audit, Assurance, Accounting, Tax, Advisory and Consulting Services across the African Continent to support the Operations of theAfrican Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). We also provide independent Auditors Reports for both public and private companies, institutions and organizations in our respective countries. Our Services allow foreign companies to meet the Regulatory Requirement for each country’s company law and relevant regulatory requirement of member countries.
Pan-African Chartered Accountants Group Looking forward
Africa is currently seeking more foreign direct investment in all key sectors of its economy, donor and aid countries and agencies are keen to assist Africa develop rapidly.
These interventions also create new opportunities and new treats, new markets and rapid developments and improved communication, greater intra Africa and intercontinental mobility. Investors, and all stakeholders want to assure themselves that resources invested in Africa are been used for their intended purposes, are secured, and are been management sustainable while ensuring that the environment, society and governance are consistently managed in such a manner that guarantees peace, inclusivity, fairness, justice and equality.
All these border on transparency and accountability, in the disclosure and reporting of how waste, ignorance and greed are avoided in the continent in particular in organizations, countries and at the individual personal level.
The Pan African Chartered Accountants Group (PACAG) is determined and committed to upholding and providing the highest quality professional services and standards to support the continent in its journey towards sustainable prosperity. Although it works with the standards set by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) the overall standards setting body for professional accountants worldwide, PACAG is determine to raise the standards for its members to a new level that will ensure the use of the initiatives of PACAG as a case study for the rest of the world and for the attention of IFAC. The aim is to assist to make Africa the safest place for investors and international business.
The immediate bar raiser is, ”Audit plus” which is being provide by PACAG. This is to disclose and report to Investors and stakeholders that an entity has avoided waste, ignorance and greed in its operations and
activities. The level of these three ills in any organization or economy is what will determine the performance of the entity.
The Pan African Chartered Accountants Group (PACAG) has a clear, well structured, practical, comprehensive and a sustainable framework for determining whether an entity has avoided these three ills in their operations and activities. The world would benefit tremendously if standard setting institutions like IFAC adopts these standards for global application. PACAG's doors are always opened for collaborations, cooperation, and partnerships, to work with and to contribute to make the world a better place for all.
The Pan African Chartered Accountants Group (PACAG) has just being established and has begun work. Undoubtedly its focus is to ensure that the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), The African Union, The African Development bank, Investors both Foreign and local as well as the economies of all countries sustainably succeed. The move to a continental group network status is a strategy to position PACAG successfully among the world's leading international accounting networks.
This strategy and the implementation of a number of programs are designed to ensure that PACAG member firms work seamlessly together to consistently deliver the highest quality professional services to international and local clients. PACAG is a continentally recognized mark for quality professional services. This recognition goes to the group's member firms, ability to meet the requirements of International Quality Standards, International Code of Ethics and International Auditing Standards. We extend our common methodologies throughout the group to enhance the ease and efficiency of working across international borders.
PACAG is encouraged by the reviews of the audit profession currently being undertaken around the world and we welcome the AfCFTA initiatives. We anticipate a more balanced and vibrant market, creating increased opportunities for all stakeholders.
We are delighted to welcome more new firms. We are already ranked as the top Auditing and Accounting Network in African, in all of the major and emerging markets including the USA, the U.K, Canada, India, Japan, China, Russia, France, the Netherlands and Mexico.
Common branding will further secure PACAG its position amongst the recognized global networks. In its first year, member firms have recognized the power and value inherit in a Continental brand, and have rebranded or have commenced the process. Having now achieved continental network status, we will be turning our attention to consolidate our brand position in the market and further develop our brand equity, based on our believe that Investors, Government and Stakeholders require assurance, disclosure and accountability in resources and transactions.
The word “PACAG” stands for “Trust” and whatever a client's requirements are for Audit, Accounting, Tax or Advisory services, trust is the essential foundation for the provision of high quality professional services across international borders. Working together successfully will embed trust as one of the key shared values of PACAG member firms, it further ensures our belief that “people do business with people they know, like and trust”. This will continue to be as relevant in other jurisdictions as it is for the African continent and PACAG.
PACAG member firms provide the following services with professional passion
- Statutory audit, Assurance and Attestation services under local and International laws
- Tax efficiency structuring and compliance for both corporate and personal
- Cross border acquisitions and due diligence for both purchasers and vendors
- Design and Review of Internal Control Systems
- Corporate recovery and restructuring
- Global indirect taxes and customs duties
- Forensic accounting, valuations and litigation support
- Transfer pricing regulations
- International fund rising, initial public offerings, venture capital and private equity
- Compliance with international financial reporting standards and Local Laws
- Risk Management and Internal Auditing services
- International business planning, strategy, budgets and forecasts.
- Global technology and software selection services
- Management of Exchange Rate Movements
- Selection of trade partners and Establishing International Joint Ventures
- Multinational corporate and employments law
- Identification of Available Government Grants and Incentives
- Wealth and trusting planning, pensions and employee benefits plans
- Outsourcing of accounting, payroll, company secretarial and other functions
- Sustainable Management, Management 5.0 Education, Training and Consulting.
Commitment to Quality Standards
PACAG member firms commit to compliance with the professional standards appropriate in their respective countries and to adhere to the following International standards:
· International Standards on Quality Management.
· International standards on Auditing for the conduct of transnational audits.
· Code of ethics issued by the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants.
Quality is essential in meeting our client's services goals and PACAG provides resources to assist member firms in maintaining and developing quality practices, including audit training and support tools and an
intranet service that provides information and guidance for member firms.
Quality Monitoring
A continentally coordinated quality monitoring and review program supports member firms in the maintenance of local and international standards. Each member firm is reviewed at least every 5 years with all firms that conduct transnational audits being reviewed at least every 3 years.
The reviews are conducted by suitably qualified, independent partners and managers from other member firms, under the direction of the director of Quality and Professional Standards.
The comprehensive reviews process involves an evaluation of the policies and procedures of the member firm, interviews with key personnel and the review of working papers and files.
As part of our commitment to continuous improvements, an action plan is agreed with the reviewed firm and progress against the agreed plan is monitored.
The findings from the annual review programmes are reviewed to consider whether enhancements need to be made to the groups materials and a summary of the key findings from the annual review programme is
communicated to all member firms.
Ethics, Independence and Objectivity
PACAG member firms commit to adhere, as a minimum, to the ethical requirements of the code of ethics for professional accountants issued by the international ethics standards board for Accountants of the International Federation of Accountants (the IFAC Code of Ethics). Member Firms are also bound by their national standards on independence and ethics, some of which may exceed the requirements of the IFAC code.
Member firms commit to the operation of policies to safeguard independence including the review of a register of public interest audit clients and other steps to avoid potential conflicts of interest and threats to independence.
The Board of directors of PACAG comprises the chairman and 6 members, all active senior professionals from around the continent. Board members are elected by the members continent-wide for a term of three years. The Board appoints the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and approves strategy, financial budgets and membership admissions. The Chief Executive Officer together with the director of quality and professional standards and the International Office team supports the activities of the group in accordance with the continental strategy.
Pan African Chartered Accountants Group (PACAG) is a continental network of accounting firms which provides professional services to clients. Each firm is a member of Pan African Chartered Accountants Group Limited, a Ghanaian company limited by guarantee which provides no services to the clients of its members and has no liability for the acts or omissions of any member firm.
Members of PACAG are separate legal entities and, as such, have no liability for the acts and omissions of any other member firm. PACAG member firms are each responsible for the design, implementation and monitoring of the quality and ethical standards that apply to the provision of services to clients.
For consultation and engagement of a firm in any of the countries, without any obligations: Contact any of the member firms in any country, and they will be pleased to listen to your requirements and explain how the member firms can be of service, both locally and internationally.
Alternatively, Contact the PACAG Chief Executive Officer (CEO) on 0543 380 705. Or By email